Tourism Photography Service

Stock photos
You may have noticed how expensive it can be to purchase photographs for your web site from a professional photographer or stock photo data base. These photographs, while technically excellent, can have onerous restrictions along with a very high price and are thus can be of the reach of the average small tourism business. They are however very important to creating an image and inspring agents and customers and we can recommend a range of great value for money professional photographers who you can invest in for these purposes.

We also offer an additional service to small tourism business based in Swedish Lapland. We have a range of quality .jpg files at very reasonable cost and with no time or ongoing licence restrictions. These photos have all be taken by our team and have model releases where required. They are ideal for at the the high volume needs of businesses within their web or in particular in social media channels.

Photos of your business or event
We are also able to take photographs specifically of your business for use in your web site or social media and we will ensure that you receive a wide range of photographs formatted for the web at a very reasonable price. Contact us for more details of this service.

If you have any more questions about this service please ring or email us.

Graeme Richardson
Lapland Travel Services
Mobile 070 544 7147
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